Our Approach

Experience True Health & Wellness

We provide a holistic alternative to healthcare for the families of the Emerald Coast.

Holistic healing is the combination of traditional medicine & alternative therapy. These methods combined together create a whole-body approach to healthcare and address the underlying causes of disease.

  • Chiropractic focuses on the proper alignment of the spine and the nervous system. The spine and nervous system are the pathways through which your brain and organs communicate. When the spine is misaligned, nerves can get ‘pinched’ which is what chiropractors call subluxations. These subluxations interfere with the vital communications that are happening within your body. The end result is pain, dysfunction, and ailments that interfere with your everyday life.

    Chiropractic care also includes addressing subluxations in extremities (upper and lower limbs.) Subluxations in extremity joints have both mechanical and neurological components, which can create pain, muscular imbalances, postural dysfunctions and neuropathies.

  • Massage therapy has two major physical effects. First, it increases blood and lymph circulation. Second, relaxation and normalization of the soft tissue (muscle, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments), which releases nerves compression and deeper connective tissues.

    Massage therapy in our office is customized to the patient’s personal needs and goals.

  • MAT (Muscle Activation Technique) is used to increase contractile capability in muscles that are not “firing” (contracting) efficiently creating a loss of motion within body movements. This loss of motion can wreak havoc on the body, creating an environment for potential injury.

    MAT helps increase stability and range of motion in healthy people who are hoping to simply improve their health or physical fitness.

  • Nutrition is the process of taking in food and converting it into energy and other vital nutrients required for life. We take a functional approach to nutrition, meaning we look and see how your body is able to ‘use’ the foods you are consuming.

    We offer in-house lab testing to find the root-cause of many chronic ailments. Patients will receive customized nutritional recommendations and therapeutic-grade supplementation.


Disclaimer: Nothing linked or provided on this website is to be used as medical advice.

Copyright © 2023 Beachside Chiropractic & Wellness, LLC. All rights reserved.
