Sports Chiropractic

Sports Chiropractic in Destin, Fl

Having a competitive edge is everything in sports! Whether your 5-year-old runs around on the soccer field or you’re an Olympic athlete, you want that edge to be natural, safe, reproducible and sustainable. At Beachside Chiropractic, we’ve got the solution for you.

Sports chiropractic care specializes in helping athletes through athletic injury rehabilitation and in their daily routines to improve performance & prevent injuries. Through targeted chiropractic treatments, athletes can recover from injuries fast and ensure they remain healthy, flexible, and strong.

Sports Chiropractic Destin

Some athletes seek chiropractic care because they have a problem, like a baseball pitcher with shoulder pain who can’t throw the ball anymore. Others are already at the top of their game but want to achieve even more, or make sure they can sustain that peak performance.

No matter what your goal is in seeking our help, we will create a personalized plan to get you there. We’ll make sure your body can adapt to the unique challenges of your particular sport.

improve athletic performance


  • All exercise is a form of physical stress that puts pressure on the body. Even something as simple as going for a walk can exacerbate an already-existing issue that you might have never known was present. Someone who bowls once a month can get injured, even if they’re not otherwise active. We want to make sure you’re comfortable and don’t have to worry about tweaking your back in the kickball game this weekend and having to take off work next week because of it.

  • Yes. When it comes to sports, kids start to play earlier and earlier in life, some at toddler age. We see everyone here, from children in Little League to adults who play league sports or enjoy the occasional pickup game.

  • Our athletic patients are a diverse bunch. Runners, softball and baseball players, gymnasts, football players, tennis players and golfers are all included, amongst others.