Pediatric Chiropractic Care

Chiropractor for Kids near Miramar Beach

Pediatric Chiropractor in Destin, FL

At Beachside Chiropractic & Wellness, our doctor uses specialized techniques that are tailored to every child’s individual needs. We are able to help children as soon as young as a day old all the way through their teenage years!

Every child deserves to start off their life healthy. Chiropractic enhances the innate intelligence in a child’s body by unwinding the patterns of stress and tension that are present. From the time they’re born, children are subject to a myriad of stresses, particularly in today’s world. Rather than letting this stress go unaddressed, we can detect it and gently release it through chiropractic care.

Kids Aren’t Immune to Stress

Though children may not complain of the same symptoms adults have, like pain, that doesn’t mean their bodies don’t feel the effects of stress. A baby who went through a difficult birthing process, for example, may be constipated or have reflux. They aren’t sleeping or have been diagnosed with colic. It’s the only way they can express that they’re uncomfortable and feel something is wrong.

As your child gets older, they begin to play or participate in sports. We can clear that stress with chiropractic, allowing your kids to function at their best.

Common Conditions we see in children: ADHD, Colic, Ear Infections, Tongue Ties, Scoliosis, Allergies, Developmental Delays, Sports related injuries, and Poor Posture.

Infant Chiropractic Care

It All Starts At Birth

Did you know that in utero, your child can be affected by your stress? When they make their entrance into the world, more trauma awaits. Even a natural birth means your child goes through the birth canal, squeezing through it to make their appearance. The birthing professional is trained to get the baby out, and will likely tug and pull on the baby’s head, neck and shoulders.

Some common signs that your child may have a problem in their spine include excessive fussiness, trouble feeding or problems sleeping. If you’ve noticed any of those, we recommend that you bring them in for a checkup right away.


  • We begin seeing children as soon as they are born. The first initial stress to a child's nervous system is during birth. 95% of infants have spinal misalignments after birth. With infants, we use a very specific, gentle technique. The pressure used is no stronger than the pressure you would use to check a peach for ripeness. There's no quick force applied. We use a safe touch and hold technique that many babies sleep right through.

  • Typically, we adjust healthy babies and children once a month or during any growth spirts or milestone such as holding up their head, sitting, crawling or walking. If your child gets a cold or you notice a change in sleep or behavior, it might also be a good time to get them checked and more frequent adjustments may be needed.

  • When a child is displaying extreme behaviors, such as aggression or sensitivities, a chiropractor can help. They can assess the child's overall health by delving deeper into diet, hydration, lifestyle, and overstimulation, as well as assessing the child's nervous system.

  • We will never rush your child’s first adjustment. This is a long-term relationship, so we work to build trust with them. They can watch Mom or Dad get adjusted, even helping with our play adjusting tools. This is going to be a fun, enjoyable experience for your kids!

  • Yes! We have a strong focus on posture for every patient. We won’t just help improve posture-we’ll teach your children WHY posture matters and what they can do about it. Additionally, it’s common that teens experience anxiety and depression, thanks to hormone fluctuation. We can make sure their system is at ease so they can handle stress without exploding or experiencing mental challenges.

  • Yes, our office is fully equipped to perform school-entry and sports physicals. Click here for more information.