Prenatal Chiropractic Care

Prenatal Chiropractic Care in Destin, FL

Back pain, hip pain, sciatica, headaches, trouble sleeping. A nagging worry about your upcoming labor and birth. If you’re pregnant, you need a team of healthcare providers around you to help you get the most out of your pregnancy and support you emotionally and physically.

Chiropractic is a safe, gentle form of health care that can improve your symptoms and make an impact on your outcome for labor and delivery.

Plus, we’ll help you make sure that your recovery from birth is quicker and easier than you may have thought possible. There’s no better time to start chiropractic care than when you’re expecting!

Back pain during pregnancy

The journey of motherhood starts before pregnancy.

That’s why we recommend that women who are considering starting a family get under care. By starting prior to conception, you can ensure your body is in good shape to grow a baby.

We have plenty of women who seek our help before conception or while trying to conceive. It’s no wonder, with how stressful it can be, mentally and physically, to get pregnant. Chiropractic can make sure you’re set up for success by clearing, healing and recovering from injuries you may have been carrying with you for years, or even decades.

There are three different aspects to consider during pregnancy and birth: power, passage and passenger.

Chiropractic works to improve your nervous system, which controls your stress response. With less stress, you have the best chance possible at a natural birth. The passage is all about your baby joining the world. We’ll check your pelvic balance and the ligaments attached to the uterus so your baby’s journey in the birth canal can go smoothly.

Finally, it’s about the passenger-your beautiful new baby. What is good for you, the mom, is good for your baby. Additionally, we will be using the Webster Technique, which helps ensure Mom’s body is balanced so that birth can go as smoothly as possible.

Chiropractic care while pregnant


  • We want to adjust you however you are comfortable. Our chiropractic tables have special 'break-away' pieces that allow room for the belly to allow you to lay face-down comfortably. If you prefer, you can be adjusted facing up or seated. The techniques used during pregnancy are low-force and specific.

  • You’ll feel more comfortable, move better and feel better. Women under care also tend to have better labor and delivery outcomes and a quicker postpartum recovery.

  • No, you can come to the chiropractor at any time without a referral.

  • There are three different goals focuses we have during care, from pregnancy to your postpartum period.

    The first is that during each trimester, we want to make sure you have the highest possible level of comfort. The second is to help your labor process go nice and smoothly, which studies show is more likely when you’re under chiropractic care. The third goal is to speed up and enhance your recovery process after birth.

  • One common thread we see during pregnancy is the increase of physical discomfort as the pregnancy continues. You can think of pregnancy as a spotlight that shines on existing issues in the body, bringing things to the surface that you may not have even known were there, or had tried to cope with for years.

    Plus, as pregnancy advances, your baby grows more, resulting in a shift of your center of gravity. With added weight, your posture can change, too. You might find you develop a pregnancy “waddle.” We can facilitate your body being better able to cope with the many changes happening!